Optimizing Mobile Phase Solvent Purity for LC-MS
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Optimizing Mobile Phase Solvent Purity for LC-MS

Downloads Optimizing Mobile Phase Solvent Purity for LC-MS (PDF, 2 MB) Protected In the precise analysis of trace molecules, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) plays a crucial role. It is critical that researchers upgrade from HPLC-grade solvents to LC-MS grade solvents designed specifically to meet the strict demands of modern LC-MS systems in order to enhance…

Insights on Current Market Dynamics and Outlook in the Scientific Instruments Industry 
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Insights on Current Market Dynamics and Outlook in the Scientific Instruments Industry 

The recent analytica 2024 trade fair in Munich, Germany, emerged as a pinnacle event in the international laboratory sector. The highly anticipated tradeshow drew a crowd of over 34,000 industry professionals, featured 185 presentations, and showcased 1,066 exhibitors, including DKSH Technology.

Every Clue Counts – Forensics Inconceivable Without Microscopy
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Every Clue Counts – Forensics Inconceivable Without Microscopy

There is no crime without clues. They may be obvious, like a cartridge case at the scene of the crime or clear signs of crowbar damage on a door. But sometimes, clues are microscopically small. Besides the classic fingerprints, perpetrators also leave hairs or fiber traces. Forensic investigations focus on securing the traces left at the scene and analyzing them accordingly.