DKSH Helps Deliver Better Water Services in the Philippines
Product quality and compliance are essential to today’s modern water treatment facility. Many water treatment facilities are trying to leverage new technologies to respond quickly and efficiently to maintain stable water quality while reducing water treatment costs.
Our customer provides water treatment, water distribution, sewerage, and sanitation services to millions of people in the Philippines. Their services reach out to a broad range of residential, semi-business, commercial, and industrial customers.

Our customer wanted to upgrade their testing and measuring methodology from the conventional Jar Test method to more advanced solutions to help them attain precise high-turbidity readings, especially during the rainy seasons.
As chemicals are expensive and account for a considerable amount of a plant’s operating budget, they needed to ensure that the right amount of coagulant is used during the chemical process. This can significantly impact the efficiency, operational bottom-line, and overall performance of the plant.
Based on the customer’s needs and project requirements, we recommended Malvern Panalytical’s range of Zetasizer measurement instruments. They are used in the laboratory for the offline study and optimization of flocculation and coagulation processes to measure the particle size of dispersed systems from sub-nanometers to several micrometers in diameters.
When compared to other traditional techniques, this technology’s benefits include a higher speed of measurement, ease of use, and reproducibility that are not subjected to operator-to-operator variability.
Furthermore, they can be implemented online allowing automated control and regular monitoring with no manual input. The demonstrated benefits of continuous measurement with an online system include improved process stability, ability to respond rapidly and proactively to changes in raw water and plant conditions, and reduction in chemical coagulant costs between 15 to 20 percent as reported by users.
Following the use of the new equipment, our customer has reported increased efficiency in their business processes. They are also enjoying faster and better decision-making in keeping operational costs low.
As the company is committed to delivering the best services to its customers and the environment, DKSH is glad to be part of their initiative to play a part in offering better water solutions and create a sustainable future for the market they are in.
While traditional methods of coagulant dosage management are falling short of providing operators what they need to control the process and minimize expenses, DKSH’s solution has enabled real-time data at the control center to make better decisions and reduce overall costs.
– Andressa SanGabriel, Manager, Scientific Instrumentation, Philippines