Three Key Trends Shaping South East Asia’s Scientific Instrument Sector
South East Asia, with an overall aging population, growing intra-Asian trade and increased emphasis on education is perfectly positioned for growth in the scientific and analytical instrumentation industry.
Yet, the region which has a larger population than both the European Union and North America respectively, is often overlooked by many industry players within the scientific instrumentation industry despite its 620 million inhabitants and huge market potential.
The establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community has transformed South East Asia into a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labor, and freer flow of capital. ASEAN, as a single market and production base is making this region more dynamic and competitive, accelerating regional integration, facilitating movement of skilled labor and talents and strengthening their international position.
Here are the three key trends taking shape in South East Asia that manufacturers and suppliers of scientific instrumentation products and services should know:
- A Window to Asia
- Deloitte report: Asia will be home to 60% of world’s over 65s by 2030, creating growth opportunities for business
- Frost & Sullivan’s Global and Asia Pacific Mega Trends
About the Author
Gabriela is based in Zurich and has been with DKSH since 2011, helping the company expand its business in Asia. She has previously worked with several international brands in the life sciences sector and has vast experience in developing strong relationships with customers and business partners worldwide.
Gabriela Gillot
Life Science