The process of connecting two or more instruments together of the purpose inf increasing the amount of information obtainable of the sample

Hyphenation refers to the process of connecting two or more instruments together for the purpose of increasing the amount of information obtainable from a sample. Hyphenating thermogravimetric analyzers (TGA) with mass spectrometers (MS) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometers has a long history. The ability to combine spectroscopic data for the purpose of chemical analysis, with the mass loss data from the TGA has borne fruit over numerous material science fields. For example, the pharmaceutical industry routinely monitors for the presence of solvent in their products. Evolved gas analysis can provide information on degradation pathways, reaction products, and/or chemical composition.
In addition to MS and FTIR, the desire to hyphenate a TGA to GC-MS instruments is also of great interest to users. But whereas MS and FTIR are continuous techniques (i.e. they continuously collect spectra during the execution of the TGA experiment), GC-MS is typically not continuous. On the other hand, GC-MS will give the most complete chemical information about the evolved gas.
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